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Frequently Asked Questions

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Global Harmony Health in Wilton receives a number of common questions about products and product use. On this page, you will see some more common questions, related to personal use and general toxicity testing. Please note that these questions are general in nature. If you don't see the question you want to ask on this page, please feel free to call us and ask our expert team for any guidance you need.
  • Would it reduce or destroy the amino acid present in CH77 and hence the efficacy of CH77 if it is added to hot/boiling water?

    CH77 will be stable up to a temperature of 400 deg C. It will maintain its effectiveness even when consumed with boiling water. (e.g. herbal teas etc.)

  • Is CH77 a health supplement?

    CH77 has been classified by Australian TGA as a food additive. its ingredients are non-toxic and safe for normal consumption under over the counter sales.

  • Does CH77 have TGA approval

    TGA approvals are requires only if a substance is classified under health supplement under the ruling as stipulated by TGA Since CH77 is classified as food additive, no approval is required. All labelling, ingredients specification and warnings required are stipulated by the TGA’

  • What are Ionic Metals?

    Scientifically, an atom is made up of protons and electrons. The placement of electrons around the nucleus (which contains the protons) is in specific order and an atom has a equal number of protons and electrons. In metals, the outer layer of electrons, due to its distance from the nucleus will be unstable and lose one  two or up to three electrons to the surrounding. When the atom loses its electrons, the net charge within the atom is not in balance and for a positive ion, this is an ionic metal. 

  • Under what condition would am atom lose electrons?

    Metals in nature very rarely exist as atoms due to its unstable nature.It exists as a compound, giving up its electrons to satisfy another atom.An acidic environment generally helps to dislodge the metal ions from the compound leaving them to scavenge from other negative ions. This is a dynamic process and at all time, the ionic metal will try to satisfy their natural need for balance state. 

  • How do the ionic metals produce avalanches of free radicals?

    Ionic metals within the body due to their unstable nature will seek out  electrons to form bonds and compounds. With the organic nature of our  body making up of carbon and hydrogen, the heavy metal molecule can  easily dislodge the much lighter, lesser energy level bonding of long chain  organic compounds. Once these electrons are dislodged, they then create a chain reaction as they seek to be satisfied again with electrons from other stable molecules. The seeking of 2 electrons from one ionic metal  can produce 2 free radicals and they in turn 4, going up exponentially and hence an avalanche of free radicals in our body. This is a dynamic process. 


  • What are Free Radicals

    There has been much discussion on Free Radicals with the advent of “Anti-Oxidants” marketing. With the food that we consume nowadays and the breaking down of food with fats, we consume in our diet unstable organic materials. These breaking down of these foods within our body prior to being in the digestive system are known as Free Radicals as they are not broken down by our normal bodily function. 

  • Why are Free Radicals harmful with in a body?

    Free Radicals in our body if remain unsatisfied will try to scavenge  and form bonds with other organic atoms. A human body can handle Free Radicals from the breaking down of feed in our digestive            system when our body is in balance. However, if we see over- production of Free Radicals in our body to the unnatural break down of food, signals to our body can be equate to an attack of foreign            “invaders”’ hence the need to eliminate or in some cases, the awakening of cancer cells to handle these “invaders”. This can lead to many chronic diseases.     



  • How to reduce Free Radicals?

    The use of anti-oxidant has been an accepted practice to eliminate free radicals in our body. Normally this should be coupled with the                                  change in the diet which eliminates the excessive intake of fast, process or fried foods. However, the over use of anti-oxidant generally, eliminates indiscriminately all types of free radicals and could be also removing the essential free radicals that are essential for the immune system. It is therefore an alternative to treat the of the free radical production. i.e. the change of diet and chelating ionic heavy metals.   

  • Does CH77 has or experienced any side effect?

    CH77 has been in the market place for 30 years, currently there are 20,000 regular users of CH77. There are no known or recorded side    effects of taking CH77 over this period which CH77 is marketed worldwide, CH77 has been tested independently by University of New                                South Wales and validated that CH77 is nontoxic. 


  • Is EDTA effective in chelating heavy metals.

    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) the only chelating that is well used in the food industry. To look at its effectiveness, EDTA the only chelating agent that is used in most intravenous chelating therapy where EDTA circulates 2 hours within a person, each treatment of 8 sessions. Also, EDTA chelation is also the only protocol when dealing with poisoning. 


  • Does CH77 draw mercury out of amalgam and make fillings Unstable/drop out?

    CH77 does not draw mercury out of fillings, but if you wash your mouth out before eating it prevents mercury vapour (when chewing an enormous pressure is exerted on the filling vaporising mercury….).  


  • Does CH77 affects high blood pressure.

     It may lower blood pressure if the metals are a reason for elevated pressure. 

  • Is there a minimum amount of CH77 to be taken if a client has kidney or liver poor function?

    NO…. if the kidneys function poorly and a client takes large amounts of CH77 (say 10ml and more per day) it may be that she/he gets ‘puffy eyes.’ The kidneys can get a bit overworked when large amount of metals are excreted. Advice …. Cut down on CH77 and DRINK LOTS OF WATER 2-4 litres per day. 


  • What are the chelating agents in CH77?

    CH77 contains minerals to alkalized the cell and the cell environment. It also contains citric acid and EDTA as Chelation agents in extremely small proportions(homoeopathic type solution). There is plenty of info on the web and our web site on these chelating agents. 

  • What is the oxygen ingredient and is it stable?

    CH77 contains stabilised electrolytes of oxygen. 

  • How is CH77 as close to the natural body process as possible?

     CH77 is classified as Food Additive because the ingredients are all widely used in food. There is therefore no disruption to our body system or function by consuming CH77. At the same time, since our body also uses amino acid in              chelating the useful minerals like iron, the same chelating agent, alkalizing minerals, etc within CH77 will just complement our body function. Having it mixed in the right proportion is a result of years of research. 

  • Are there any specific ailments that CH77 can help?

    Each day our body accumulates heavy metals in our body due to the ever-increasing contamination in the environment around us. These are not needed for our bodily function. Removal of these contaminants will certainly return our body to a more balance state which will in turn assist our body in generating the necessary resistant to diseases or to start the repair work on our body. This is the reason why we term CH77 the foundational agent which can help in many ailments, each person to a varying degree resulting from their own makeup. 

  • What are foundational agents?

    Our body is built on natural makeup. i.e. our bone structure, our organ function, alkalinity of our body, generally the natural balance state that we should be in. The stronger the foundation, the stronger we are resistant to diseases. CH77 

    by eliminating the body of the unnecessary and harmful heavy     metals will put our foundation once again right. Hence CH77    is not specific for the treatment of any diseases but would   improve in most from working on our foundations.

  • How does chelating help our bodily functions?

    Ionic metals produce avalanche of free radicals which it is known to cause chronic diseases. Eliminating them eliminate a major source of free radicals’ initiator which in the long run will prevent major chronic diseases. 

  • Is CH77 Toxic

    An independent study was conducted by the University of  New South Wales om animals over a prolong period of  consuming CH77 and proved that CH77 is not toxic. TGA  Is in agreement when we submitted for registration to market  And thus far in the 30 years that this product has been in the              market, no adverse effect has been recorded. 

  • Why is the Ionic Heavy Metal (IHMT) important?

    that allows for a quick test of the presence of ionic metals    In the body. The normal atomic absorption method available in laboratories only show the presence of metals, indiscriminately whether they are ionic or not. The body will normally handle, i.e. remove if not used by the body, used if required by our body, heavy metals if they are in their atomic balance state. If they are in their balanced atomic state, there need not be any concern as it will not form avalanches of free radicals. Hence, the measurement of ionic metals is very important, not just the presence of metals which is the main reason for the development and the launch of IHMT and its important to check our body’s chelating ability.

  • What does the IHMT measure?

    IHMT measures our “body chelating ability” as it shows ionic metals present in our body through our urine. The colour  indicates the kind of metals that are in ionic form indicating  the presence of metal compounds which are not removed             (chelated) from our body. As we chelate, the test shows the clearing of ionic metals which are able to be monitor. 

  • What do the colours represent?

    The colours represent the presence of ionic metals within the  sample. If the body has good chelating ability, the sample will remain green. The presence of other ionic metals will produce different colours within the sample may become mixed and non-distinct; however, any change of colour shows              ionic metals are present. 


  • Will chelating with CH77 cause the complete removal of minerals that my body needs.

    No. By satisfying the ionic metals (minerals) in our body, the neutralized mineral can then be released from the complex bonding to work within our body. What the body can utilize will be retained and those that the body does not need will be eliminated. The body will do the balancing and will maximize the use of the existing minerals once they are released back into the body system. 


  • Why is chelating the only method in removing metals from our body?

     Our body chelates to use or eliminates harmful metals from our body. Due to the continual overload, and the food that we eat which makes our body acidic, our bodies are unable to chelate effectively. Chelation is the body’s way to deal              with harmful metals; CH-77 is merely replicating and enhancing this function. 


  • Why hasn’t a double blind or placebo test done on CH-77?

    CH-77 is registered in Australia as a food additive as all the components are used widely in food. We have conducted a clinical trial which showed confirmed removal of ionic metals from the body. As we do not claim CH-77 as a remedy or cure for any ailments, there is no requirement for              pharmaceutical testing of CH-77. 


  • Is mixing into a litre of water the method of taking CH-77

    Mixing 3mls into a litre of water is the prescribed way of using CH-77. In most cases the water consumed in tandem will assist in “flushing” our system and eliminates the over acidity in our body. However, in some instances when drinking a litre of water is not possible with children, CH-77              can be taken with a fruit juice of just directly under the tongue. For maximum effect however, we encourage consuming a litre of water with CH-77. 


  • Can a person take more than 3mls a day of CH-77? Are there Any adverse or side affects from ingesting a heavier dosage?

    Everybody is different in our composition and each of us will react differently to CH-77. The prescribed dosage of 3mls a day over a period of a month’s usage will generally start to return our body to natural state. However, we can consume a higher dosage if the IHMT test does not show improvement in our body after the initial 2 weeks. All increase in the dosage should be under the guidance and knowledge of a health              practitioner. Till today, no adverse effects have been reported for people consuming dosages higher than 3 ml. ( The inventor Han Rex consumes 10ml per day.) 


  • What happens if my child accidentally takes the entire bottle?

     CH-77 is non-toxic; however, we advise continuous              monitoring of the child for any adverse reaction.


  • Why isn’t there and warning on the label.

    CH-77 is classified as a food additive. Over prescribing is not recommended but since this is non-toxic, no warning label is necessary under TGA ruling. 


  • How does taking CH-77 compare with intravenous chelating?

     Oral chelation is as effective as intravenous chelation in chelating ability. Moreover, with the IHMT kit, the effectiveness of CH-77 can be monitored continuously. The convenience of consuming it orally at home verses being in a              clinic for 2 hours for 15 sessions makes it highly suitable for people who are from the city or away from a clinic. 


  • Can I continue to take supplements or medication while Taking CH-77?

    There is no known negative effect on other medication  after taking CH-77. In fact supplements and medication could be more effective after consuming CH-77 due to the               removal of the toxins. 


  • Is there anyone who should not take CH-77?

     Everyone should be taking CH-77; it is non-toxic and assists chelation ability. 

  • Why is it not advisable for a person with a weak or diseased liver to take heavy dose of CH-77?

    As toxic metals are being removed from our body, the liver has to work harder to cope with the removal. For a person that already has a weak or diseased liver, this may over load his/her liver and trigger negative response. For people with               this condition, we recommend a lower dosage of CH-77 and work up to the recommended dosage over time. 

  • Do I need to take CH-77 for the rest of my life?

    Whenever we are bombarded with heavy metals in our  environment, we would require CH-77 to assist our body’s function. However, with our body being a system that learns chelating abilities of a body can improve after we have assisted it to recognize the level of chelating required.               After the initial removal of the ionic metals, we recommend a maintenance program, but with continual testing using the IHMT kit. 


  • Can a child take the same dosage as an adult?

      A child can take the same 3 ml per day with a litre of water as an adult. 

  • Does CH-77 need to be refrigerated?

    No. CH-77 is stable at very high temperatures and should be kept out of direct sunlight only to avoid excess evaporation. 



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